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Choosing the Best Platform for Your Print on Demand Business: A Comprehensive Guide for Newbie Sellers

Discover the best approach for your print on demand business with our comprehensive guide. Understand the advantages and disadvantages of eCommerce platforms and marketplaces to enhance your online selling success.

Starting a print on demand business is an exciting journey, but selecting the right platform to sell your products is a critical decision that can significantly impact your success. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to determine the best fit for your needs.

This comprehensive guide will help you navigate through the best sites to sell your print on demand products by comparing eCommerce platforms and marketplaces. By the end, you’ll have a clear understanding of which platform is ideal for your first online store.

Understanding Sales Channels

Before diving into specific platforms, it’s essential to grasp the fundamental differences between eCommerce platforms and marketplaces.

eCommerce Platforms vs. Marketplaces

eCommerce Platform

An eCommerce platform is a software solution that allows you to create and manage your own online store. Popular examples include Shopify, BigCommerce, and WooCommerce. These platforms offer extensive customization options, enabling you to tailor your store’s design and functionality to match your brand.An eCommerce platform will give you full control over your online stores, including tools for website building, product management, payment processing, and marketing.


  • Complete Customization: With an eCommerce platform, you can fully customize your online store to reflect your brand’s unique identity. This is crucial for a print on demand business aiming to stand out.
  • Direct Customer Relationships: You have direct access to customer information, allowing you to build strong relationships and improve customer loyalty.
  • Scalability: eCommerce platforms are highly scalable, allowing you to expand your product range and grow your business without significant limitations.
  • Flexible Payment Options: You can offer a variety of payment methods, enhancing the customer experience and potentially increasing sales.
  • Data Ownership: You own all your customer data, which is valuable for creating targeted marketing campaigns and improving your business strategy.


  • Setup Complexity: Setting up an eCommerce store can be complex and time-consuming, especially if you are new to online selling.
  • Ongoing Maintenance: Maintaining an eCommerce platform requires continuous updates, security checks, and management, which can be resource-intensive.
  • Marketing Costs: Driving traffic to your site requires substantial marketing efforts and investment in SEO, social media, and advertising campaigns.
  • Initial Investment: The initial setup cost can be high, including fees for the platform, hosting, design, and additional apps or plugins.
  • Technical Challenges: Managing an eCommerce store may require technical knowledge or hiring specialists, adding to the overall cost.


A marketplace is an online space where multiple sellers can list and sell their products. Examples include Amazon, Etsy, and eBay. The marketplaces provide a built-in audience, making it easier to start selling without having to worry about driving traffic to your store.


  • Instant Traffic: Marketplaces come with a built-in audience, meaning you can start selling immediately without worrying about attracting visitors.
  • Lower Barrier to Entry: Marketplaces usually have lower upfront costs, making it easier for beginners to start their print on demand business and make money online.
  • Trust Factor: Marketplaces are often trusted by customers, which can lead to higher conversion rates for new sellers.
  • Simplified Payment: Many marketplaces handle payment processing, simplifying the selling process.
  • Promotional Tools: Marketplaces often offer promotional tools and advertising options to help increase visibility and sales.


  • High Competition: The marketplace environment is highly competitive, with many sellers offering similar products, which can drive prices down.
  • Limited Branding: Marketplaces restrict how much you can customize your store and brand, making it harder to establish a unique identity.
  • Fee Structure: Marketplaces typically charge higher transaction fees, listing fees, and sometimes additional fees for promotions, which can reduce your profit margins.
  • Data Limitations: Access to customer data is limited, restricting your ability to analyze customer behavior and personalize marketing efforts.
  • Policy Restrictions: Marketplaces have strict policies and guidelines that sellers must adhere to, which can sometimes limit your business operations.

Should You Choose an eCommerce Platform or Marketplace?

Choosing between an eCommerce platform and a marketplace largely depends on your specific business needs, goals, and resources. Here are some key takeaways to help you decide:

For an eCommerce Platform Seller

An eCommerce platform offers unparalleled control and customization for your online store. This option is ideal for those who are:

  • Brand-Centric Sellers: If you want full control over your brand identity and the customer experience, an eCommerce platform is the best choice. This option is ideal for print on demand businesses that need to create a unique and customized online store.
  • Data-Driven Businesses: Those who value detailed insights into customer behavior and prefer to own their customer data will benefit from an eCommerce platform. This data can be crucial for targeted marketing and long-term business growth.
  • Scalable Ventures: If you plan to scale your business significantly, eCommerce platforms offer the flexibility and tools needed to support growth. They are suitable for businesses willing to invest time and resources into building and maintaining their online store.

For a Marketplace Seller

Marketplaces provide a ready-made audience and simpler setup process, making them an attractive option for new and time-constrained sellers. A marketplace might be the right choice for:

  • Beginners: New sellers who want to start their print on demand business with minimal upfront investment and immediate access to a large customer base should consider a marketplace. The simplicity and built-in audience of marketplaces can help you start making money online quickly.
  • Time-Constrained Sellers: If you prefer a quicker setup and don’t want to spend much time on technical aspects or driving traffic, marketplaces are a practical option. The platform handles many operational aspects, allowing you to focus on listing and selling products.
  • Trust Seekers: Sellers who want to leverage the established trust and credibility of a well-known marketplace will find this option beneficial. It can lead to higher conversion rates, especially for new businesses.

However, there is no one-size-fits-all answer when choosing the best platform for your print on demand store. You might find that combining both an eCommerce platform and a marketplace store provides the most advantages. By listing your products on multiple platforms, you can maximize your reach by tapping into different customer segments. This multichannel approach not only increases your sales opportunities but also provides a safety net if one channel faces issues. Diversifying your income streams by selling on both platforms reduces reliance on a single source, helping to stabilize your business and ensure continuous growth. Additionally, using both approaches offers flexibility, allowing you to test and refine your business strategy based on performance across different channels, leveraging the strengths of each platform to optimize your overall business operations.


In the end, choosing the right platform for your print on demand business depends on your specific goals, resources, and preferences. eCommerce platforms offer greater control and customization, while marketplaces provide simplicity and a built-in audience. A mix of both platform and marketplace selling can be an effective strategy to maximize reach and sales.

Assess your resources, goals, and preferences to decide which model suits you best. Explore the options and consider leveraging Dreamship to support your print on demand business with its robust multichannel selling tools.

For more detailed guides, tools, and support, check out the following Dreamship resources:

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