Dreamship Blog

The Dreamship x Shopify Partnership: Why Shopify is the Future

What does the future of ecommerce look like?

The Past: Platforms

Ecommerce platforms have proven to be a hugely successful business model. They’ve empowered marketers and designers worldwide to own their creative ventures, unbounded by traditional business barriers. They’ve enabled sellers from all walks of life to find opportunity where there previously had been none.

However, as sellers became savvier and their dreams grew bigger, platforms simply haven’t kept up. Interestingly, platforms are now exhibiting some of the behaviors of the commerce sector it initially sought to disrupt. Sellers who now buy into turnkey ecommerce platforms must play strictly by their rules.

Many sellers have wizened up and are looking toward solutions that enable them to better deliver and fulfill their brand mission, message, and values. 

The Future: Dreamship x Shopify Partnership

That’s why we believe Shopify is the future. 

Shopify enables businesses of all sizes to use a single interface for their online store and, if they so please, merchants can also rely on an entire ecosystem of tools and services at any point in the selling process—social media, shipping and manufacturing, marketing, inventory tracking—in Shopify’s app store. Companies like Intuit, Houzz, and MailChimp have all built custom apps for Shopify’s merchants. 

Beyond the open market of services and tools, Shopify also connects merchants to other channels: brick and mortar settings, social marketplaces like Facebook and Pinterest, and Amazon. Instead of controlling the selling environment, Shopify lets sellers define their own business trajectory while it focuses on providing flawless support and seamless user experiences.

For all this and more, we’ve decided to partner with Shopify. We want sellers to have the freedom to define their brand and, whatever it ends up being, the services to best deliver it to consumers.

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